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NUMBER: 2660
PROTO: *dawbal- ~ *dabayl-
MEANING: 'billy goat, ram; bull; boar, (suckling) pig'
арабский: dawbal- 'wild boar, suckling pig, fox, wolf'
геэз (древнеэфиопский): dābēlā 'billy goat, bull, male of any animal' LGz 120
тигре: däbela 'ram'
тиграй (тигринья): dibäla 'billy goat'
амхарский: dabela, däbäl 'billy goat'
NOTES: Acc. to Leslau, the Eth forms are from Cush (Sa Af)
NUMBER: 2661
PROTO: *ʕagab- ~ *gʷabay-
MEANING: 'buffalo'
тигре: ʕagäba, ʕagäbatat LT 488
тиграй (тигринья): gʷäbay Bass. 875
NOTES: A Cushitism?
NUMBER: 2662
MEANING: 'buck (said of gazelles and goats)'
аккадский: daššu (taššu) MA, SB on [CAD d 120], [AHw. 165]
NOTES: Akk. daššu (taššu) 'buck (said of gazelles and goats)' MA, SB on [CAD d 120], [AHw. 165] is traditionally compared to the present root. Forms with d- are clearly predominant and attested as early as archaic Mari (v. references in ARMT 19, p. 164) while the t-form appears only once in a lexical list. While the shift -yš- > -šš- is conceivable (a curious parallelism with Akk. laššu ~ Arb. laysa 'there is not' was pointed out in [Brock. 822]), word-initial d- is quite unexpected. Sceptical attitude towards this comparison see in [Sima 143]. Further parallels with d- are sometimes proposed for this root: Hbr. dīšōn 'aurochs' [KB 221] (hapax in the dietary law Dt 14.5; Sam. dšn 'an animal' [Tal 179] is most probably a Hebraism) and Akk. ditānu (didānu) 'aurochs' SB [CAD d 164], [AHw. 173]. This comparison looked very doubtful because of the word-middle -t- (-d-) and the meaning difference, but recently discovered Akk. evidence makes it more attractive. As pointed out in a special study [Durand 1988], the term UDU.HÁ ti-ša-né (with t-, -š- and meaning 'a (wild) ram' and not 'a (wild) bull'!) appears in lists of exotic animals from Mari. As pointed out by Durand, a phonetically similar form ti-ša-nu-uš has long been identified in the Hittite column of the trilingual lexical list MSL 3 64.11' (= Akk. ku-sa-ri-iḫ-ḫu, Sum. ALIM), likely representing a borrowing from some Semitic language. According to Durand, here may also belong the form ti-ša-nim in the OB sa- piential text BWL 227 10 (without translation in [AHw. 1362]). Durand does not hesitate to put together dīšōn, ditānu and tišānu without explaining convincingly either the phonetic shifts or the semantic difference. Further evidence for the reflexation of *tayš- in Akkadian comes from MA and NA where the forms tušēnu and tešēnu are attested ('eine Art Büffel ?' accroding to [AHw. 1352]). CF. A SPECIAL STUDY LION NABU 1991/60 Finally, it was suggested in [Conti-Bonechi] that Ebl. ti-sa-na (with variants) might be indentified with tišānu in spite of the fact that the Ebl. term denote a kind of jewel (the authors give further examples of zoomorphic jewels in Ebla). Conti and Bonechi explicitly relate the Ebla and Mari terms to *tayš- 'buck' (*tayš-ān-um > tīš-ān-um).
NUMBER: 2663
PROTO: *gam(a)l-
MEANING: 'camel'
аккадский: gammalu (gamlu) 'camel' NA [CAD g 35], [AHw. 279]. // Found mostly in royal inscriptions (in particular, among the tribute brought by Arabian kings). Almost certainly a WS loan.
еврейский (иврит): gāmāl 'camel' [KB 197], pB. [Ja. 253]. // It is probably not accidental that this otherwise common word is extremely rare in poetry.
арамейские: Off. gml 'camel' [HJ 226] (cf. [PY XXIX], [Kott. 195]). // Nab. gml 'camel' [HJ 226] (cf. [Cant. II 79]). // Plm. gml 'camel' [HJ 226] (cf. [PAT 353]).
иудейский арамейский: gamlā 'camel, dromedary' [Ja. 253], [Levy WTM I 341]; gml (det. gamlā) id. [Sok. 131], gmwlh (det. gmwlth) 'herd of camels' [ibid. 131], gǝmaltā 'stock of camels' [Ja. 254]. // Sam. gml 'camel' [Tal 150].
сирийский арамейский: gamlā 'camelus' [Brock. 120]
мандейский арамейский: gumla 'camel' [DM 83]
арабский: ǯaml- 'chameau' [BK 1 330], ǯamal- id. [ibid.], ǯāmil- 'chameaux, troupeau de chameaux' [ibid.], ǯamālat- 'troupeau de chameaux; cheveaux' [ibid.]. [LA XI 123ff.], [Lane 460] (the monosyllabic form is said to be rare). Cf. further [Hommel 144ff.]
эпиграфические южноаравийские языки: Sab. gml 'camel' [SD 49]. // Among other household animals (e.g., gmlm wbḳrm wṣ̂ʔnm 'camels, large and small cattle' J 649/40). That g. denoted 'perhaps specifically transport camels' (as suggested in [Biella 72]) is probably derived from rkbm wgmlm in J 567/3 ('riding [camels] and transport camels'?). Cf. further [Sima 92-4] where it is rightly stressed that textual attestations of g. are relatively late and and small in number.
геэз (древнеэфиопский): gamal 'camel' [LGz. 194]
тигре: gämäl 'camel (from six years onwards)' [LH 567]
тиграй (тигринья): gämäl 'camello, dromedario' [Bass. 820]
амхарский: gǝmäl, gämäl 'camel' [K 1908]
харари: gāmäla, gāmila 'camel' [LHar. 72]
восточноэфиопские: Sel. gāmēla , Wol. gamelä , Zwy. gāla (probably related to another root) 'camel' [LGur. 277]
гураге: End. Sod. gǝmäl , Muh. Msq. Gog. gamela , Cha. Eža gamera , Enn. Gye. gamēra 'camel' [LGur. 277]
мехри: (?) gǝmmōl 'camel man' [JM 121] (likely an Arabism)
джиббали: gũl (pl. gmíhl) 'camel' [JJ 76]
сокотри: gimál (gemal) 'chameau' [LS 111], gemél 'chamelle' [ibid.]
NOTES: The term is conventionally reconstructed as PS since comparable forms are attested in most branches and, except for Akkadian, no clear evidence in favour of a foreign origin is at hand. However, infiltration of a term originating from an Arabian (Arabic?) source into the neighbouring languages looks quite likely (cf. [Sima 92] where late attestation in all the textual traditions is rightly stressed). // Mhr. gǝmmōl 'camel man' [JM 121] is clearly an Arabism. // Some of the Sem. terms listed above must be the source of Gr. kámēlos [Frisk 771] and Lat. camēlus [EM 89] (in both cases k- instead of g- needs an explanation); cf. further [Masson 66-7]. // [DRS 139]: *gamal- 'chameau' (Akk., Hbr., Arm., Arb., Sab., Jib., Soq., Eth.); [KB 197]: Hbr., Arm., Arb., Gez., Tgr., Akk.; [LGz. 194]: Gez., Eth., Arb., Soq., Hbr., Arm., Akk.; [LS 111]: Soq., Jib., Mhr. (gǝmmōl), Arb., Eth., Arm., Hbr.; [Firmage 1153]: Akk., Hbr., Arm., Gez., Arb.
NUMBER: 2664
PROTO: *mar-
MEANING: 'earth'
эпиграфические южноаравийские языки: Sab mrt-m 'limestone'? LGz
геэз (древнеэфиопский): maret 'earth, dust of the ground, dirt, soil, clay, plaster, dung' LGz 361
тигре: märet
амхарский: märet
аргобба: märet
NUMBER: 2665
PROTO: *min-
MEANING: 'kind, type'
еврейский (иврит): mīn
NUMBER: 2666
PROTO: *rayʕ-
MEANING: 'daylight'
арабский: rayʕ-
NUMBER: 2667
PROTO: *samm-
MEANING: plant; poison
аккадский: (šammu < 'plant' Kogan Add. to HSED 2, 2185)
еврейский (иврит): pB sam(mā) Ja 998
иудейский арамейский: sam(mā) Ja 998
арабский: samm-, simm-, summ-
тиграй (тигринья): sǝmi
харари: summi
мехри: sem
харсуси: sem
сокотри: sam
NUMBER: 2668
PROTO: *ŝpŝ
MEANING: 'sun'
эблаитский: sí-piš
аморейский: ŝapŝ(um)
угаритский: špš
еврейский (иврит): (?) pl. šǝbīs-īm 'small sun disc used as jewellery or amulet' HAL 1392-93;
NUMBER: 2669
PROTO: *ḫayl-
MEANING: equid
арабский: ḫayl- chevaux; cavalerie [BK 1 657]; ḫayyāl-at- 'troupeau de chevaux; cavaliers'
тигре: ḫawle (ḫ?) puledro di asino, di circa due anni Bass. 431, TA 36 , cf. ʕalu (<Arab?)
джиббали: aḫyél 'to gallop (o's horse) ' JJ 311
харсуси: ḫeyōl horses [JH 145]
NUMBER: 2670
PROTO: *ʔVrw-at- 'female elephant'
тигре: ʔǝrwät 'female elephant' [LH 359]
NUMBER: 2671
PROTO: *ʔar(a)w-
MEANING: 'snake, chameleon'
геэз (древнеэфиопский): cf. ʔarwe mǝdr 'snake'
тигре: ʔǝrawito 'chameleon' [LH 359], ʔarwe 'snake'
восточноэфиопские: Sel Wol wäro, Sel woro, Zw wäru 'python'
гураге: Msq oro id. LGur 660: <Cush
NUMBER: 2672
PROTO: *šaḥal-
MEANING: 'lion'
еврейский (иврит): šaḥal
иудейский арамейский: šaḥlā
тигре: šulul,(f.) šullǝt a name of the hyena (?) LH 204
джиббали: sélɔ́l 'wolf' JJ 228 (hardly < sell 'to drag away its prey'
NUMBER: 2673
PROTO: *dūd-
MEANING: 'pot, cauldron'
аккадский: dūd-
угаритский: dd
еврейский (иврит): dūd
сирийский арамейский: dūd
NUMBER: 2674
PROTO: *dVbVl-
MEANING: 'cake of figs' 1, 'make into balls' 2, 'clump' 3, 'round' 4
угаритский: dblt 1
еврейский (иврит): dǝbēlā 1 (dǝbēlīm ʕīggūlīm 'round-shaped')
иудейский арамейский: dibēlǝt- 1
арабский: dbl 2, dublat- 3
амхарский: dǝbulbul ("unused") 4 Baet
харари: dulālu 4
NUMBER: 2675
NUMBER: 2676
PROTO: *(ʔa)bak- 'cock'
арамейские: Off. bkth ... [HJ ..]
иудейский арамейский: ʔabbākā 'large cock' [Ja. 6]
сирийский арамейский: bakkā 'gallus', bakkǝtā 'gallina' [Brock. 73], ʔābakkā 'gallus' [Brock. 2]
тигре: bǝka 'a bird; Ploceus larvatus' [LH 290], ʔabbǝkiki 'a small bird of light-yellow colour (probably a sort of lapwing)' [ibid. 368]
NUMBER: 2677
PROTO: *kʷall-
MEANING: 'all'
аккадский: kalû
арабский: kull
геэз (древнеэфиопский): kʷǝllu
NUMBER: 2678
PROTO: *ʔarVr- ~ *warwar-
MEANING: 'bee-eater'
аккадский: arru 'bird used for decoy' MB on (CAD A2 305, AHw. 71) // For details connected with the use of a. as well as bird species used for this purpose v. [Salonen Vögel 29-31].
сирийский арамейский: warwārā 'merops' (Brock. 186, PS 1068; an Arabism?)
арабский: warwār- 'guépier (oiseau)' (BK 2 1526, Fr. IV 459)
тиграй (тигринья): ʔirir, ʔǝrir 'bird which has an instinct to lead a honey gatherer to where there is honey' (K Tna 1439-40)
NOTES: Arm. forms like Syr. ʔarrā 'avis illicebra' [Brock. 45] are certainly Akkadisms (cf. [Kaufman 36]). // Meaning similarity between the terms is so specific that it is tempting to posit it also for PS, though a possibility of chance coincidence cannot of course be excluded. Cf. Tna. wari 'kind of blackbird whose feathers have a metallic sheen' (K Tna 1723) and Amh. wari 'a kind of blackbird' (K 1500).
NUMBER: 2679
PROTO: *dašīʕ-at-
MEANING: 'big wooden vessel'
арабский: dasīʕ-at-
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